Thursday, May 28, 2009

Not Fun For Anyone

2 year olds can be picky. And 32 year olds can be a little rough around the edges in the morning. And sometimes when they come together, it can be messy.

For example, say a 2 year old announces she needs to use the restroom, but when the 32 year old comes to help, she doesn't do things as perfectly prescribed by the two year old. In this case, perhaps the 32 year old arranged the stool (aka as steps) for the 2 year old. And perhaps, the 2 year old took umbrage to someone else touching her "steps". In cases such as this, the 2 year old may begin to berate the 32 year old. At which point the whyamiamake 32 year old may reach a level of frustration which requires her to walk out of the bathroom. Of course, she would think that this is a safe thing to do, since the 2 year old is ON the toilet, and usually kicks her out at this point anyway. But, in the mind of the 2 year old, the "steps" need to be righted - they have afterall been touched by the 32 year old. And, then while fixing the "steps", well accidents can happen. Accidents that require massive amounts of paper towels to clean up. Accidents that leave the 32 year old and the 2 year old completely grossed out. And grateful that at least the accident was liquid in nature.

And then the 32 year old wonders why she ever gave up coffee. And is left to ponder words like Fiji.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My second is not what you call lacking in self-esteem. He is more than happy to tell you how smart he is. Sometimes this translates into being condescending. Which is why when I saw him quietly standing by his teammate, gently explaining where she should be, I had to snap some pics. This is the Two I know. The sweet, gentle soul that only his mama gets to see on a regular basis. I love that boy. And I am so proud of him I could bust with it.

And yet, minutes later, he was springing into action...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I am loving my camera. I am (very) slowly learning what it can do. I love that when I take a picture with it, I see and notice things in the picture that I didn't in real time. Like the fuzz on my daughter's face, or the way the light plays off of someone's hair. It also reminds me to appreciate the beauty in each of us. When I look at this picture of my friend Lisa, I remember how important she is to me and how glad I am to have her in my life.