Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I think I've mentioned this before.  It is an idea that I learned about at the Universal Light Expo.   Imagine each soul is a grape.  And grapes grow in clusters.  The grapes that are on our cluster are the souls closest to us - spouses, best friends etc.  Children/parents are usually not from our cluster - they are usually from a neighboring cluster.  The idea being the clusters closest to your cluster would still be from the same plant, and would still have bonds with you.  The farther out you go, the less the bonds.  Some people in our lives are from a couple clusters over, some would be several plants over, but still the same vineyard.  And you can keep extrapolating that idea. 

The way this idea was presented to me is that each cluster has its' own "home", its own psychic space.  This is where we go when we are not currently incarnated.  And before we come to earth, we kind of sit down together to make a sort of plan. Imagine if you will everyone from your cluster sitting at a conference table.   You go over who needs to learn what, who will be helping with the lessons, who will stay out of body form to offer support from that side.  You talk to the clusters around you to arrange all the lessons, to arrange parents/children etc. 

Imagine if you will that Bob needs to experience being killed.  Terry offers to do that for him.  Not because he needs or wants to, but from a position of love. In order to help Bob evolve ,to reach the next level.  I like this view of things because it enables me to look at everything from a love viewpoint.  Maybe Frankie isn't being cruel to me because she is just cruel-hearted, maybe she is because she has agreed to play that role in my life in order to help me learn a lesson. 

How many of us have said "I don't know WHAT it is about that person that makes me act like that", or "I don't understand why that came out of my mouth!" 

That is not to deny personal responsibility!  It is not all fated and therefore, we can spew out whatever we want in the interest of "I'm just teaching them lessons".  If anything, it comes back to the ultimate personal responsibility.  In order to release Frankie from the need to be cruel, I need to ante up and learn my lesson.  In the end, everything seems to come down to me (us) learning my (our) lessons.  We are all intrinsically tied together.  My performance affects everyone in my cluster, in neighboring clusters, on my plant, in my vineyard. 

And yet, there is zero pressure to learn my lessons.  My lessons must be learned with love and pure acceptance.  I must truely learn them, take them to heart, to my soul.  Not for the sake of others, but for the sake of myself, in order to become myself.  To become the best, highest, most true version of myself.  And that is beautiful, powerful, and oh so freeing. 

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