Monday, October 12, 2009

My cluster

I learned this weekend about clusters of souls. That we are like grape vines. In our cluster, we have the souls that we are journeying closest with. We share a "home" - the place we go back to inbetween lives. The place where we leave a part of our energy when we do reincarnate. Those in our cluster are usually those we are closest to in life. In adjacent clusters, we may find our parents, our children, acquaintances, those who are still close to us, but who don't "click" quite like those in our own cluster. The farther out you go, the less close you are.

Also discussed in this talk (which was about past lives) is the fact that we don't always reincarnate here, on this planet/universe/dimension/fill in the blank. This resonates with me, because I have always felt that I don't fit in here - that I don't usually come here. I worried my mother as a preteen because I insisted I didn't belong here, that I had memories of belonging elsewhere in another planet/universe/dimension, and that she was not my mother.

Also this weekend, in a reading I had done, I was told that I would meet someone new - a male friend. And that, among other things, having this male friend would help alleviate some of the home sickness I have been feeling. Since I live exactly where I was raised, this did not quite make sense at the time. After learning about clusters, it began to make sense to me.

In looking over those in my life, I can't seem to place many people in my cluster. I dearly love those in my life, but I still have this sense of not quite fitting in. It doesn't diminish my love for them in any way. Am I expecting too much for a cluster group? Or has most of my cluster chosen not to reincarnate with me this time? Or have I just not found them yet? Or some other possibility?

When I heard about this "home" I really wanted to book an appt right then and there, so that I can see my home briefly, so I can see those in my group. Because I am home sick. I am hopeful that somewhere out there, there are some more like me, my cluster. Because I'm not sure how I will handle being told that I am an oddball even within my cluster. I know that I am a wonderful person, and I know I have wonderful gifts to share. I know that I am surrounded by loving souls, whom I love and love me in return. I know that I wouldn't wish them away for anything. But the feeling of not quite belonging fitting in can be a lonely one.

Am I just the first of my cluster to move in this direction? Am I leading the way? Or am I just trying to catch up?

I am not trying to escape where I am. I am glad to be here, especially if it is where I am meant to be. If I have contracted to be here and experience this, then I'm all for sticking with it and living it to the fullest. But, that doesn't mean I can't be homesick too. I can miss my home and still live my life to the fullest. I just have to remember that being outside of our comfort zone can be one of the best ways to learn and open my mind. Part of this is, is remembering to live in the moment. It won't do me any good to live outside my comfort zone, if I am busy obsessing over where I'm not. But, I am very much looking forward to [re] meeting someone else from where I'm from. And I still want to schedule a past life regression in order to visit/remember/see my home. A nice visit, a nice reminder is enough.

On a related/unrelated note, I'm manifesting a psychic support group. It is time.

I am hopeful and excited and ready for this next chapter of my journey.

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