Monday, October 12, 2009

none of my business

I have been working with the idea that not only are others' opinions of me not important, they are none of my business. Other people's thoughts and feelings, whether they are about me or not, are none of my business. Their thoughts/judgments about me are more reflections of them than me. Be they good or bad. In today's society, we tend to tell others to discount bad opinions, while we still feed off the good ones. When someone comes crying to us that someone has judged them badly, do we reassure them that 1. they were misjudged and 2. we judge them highly or judge them to be correct?

I have been really trying to integrate this concept into my psyche. That others' opinions are truly none of my business. That they only time I should ask another's opinion is if they are more knowledgeable about a particular subject than me. I should never ask for an opinion if I am merely seeking validation. I need to make my decision based on my thoughts/feelings and whatever knowledge I possess. That's not to say I shouldn't make an uninformed decision. Asking for knowledge is not the same as asking for opinions. I need to have confidence in my decision and myself.

This holds true about opinions offered even when I haven't asked. Or opinions/judgements that may not be offered verbally, but are still evident to me. This is where I have a hard time really integrating this idea.

Case in point: There is a woman I am acquainted with. She is extraordinarily knowledgeable, and extraordinarily kind and loving. She is also a lightworker. Not just to those around her, but to the world. I respect her a great deal. However, her opinion of me is not so great. She would never say so, would never even attempt to let me know this. But, I feel the judgement just the same. And I know that it is not a true reflection of me. I know, intuitively that this judgment is caused by something she carries with her that has nothing at all to do with me. Perhaps I spark/remind her subconscious of a particular person/event somewhere in a past time/life. Perhaps it IS actually a judgement of me that stems from something that happened in a past life. At any rate, I know that her judgement of me has no true bearing on me. I know that it is none of my business, and is merely a sign of an area where she needs to heal. And I sense that she keeps trying to "give me the benefit of the doubt" or in another way of phrasing, that perhaps she herself senses that her feelings towards me don't have a real base. And so I remind myself, time and time again, that there is only one thing I need to do here. Try and send her love and healing energy so that she can heal this area of herself. Not because it is has anything to do with me, but because it is obvious to me that she needs to heal in this area. I would do the same for anyone else, or if she was having the issue with someone else. Yet, I find myself letting this judgement get to me. It hurts me. And so I continue to remind myself that it shouldn't. That it has no bearing on me. I love. I am loved. I am love. Eventually, I will fully integrate that fact.

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